Belmont Belmont Sports Complex
BL_SC Belmont Sports Complex
Take Highway 101 to the Ralston/Marine World Parkway exit. Go east (towards the bay) on Ralston/Marine World Parkway. Turn left at the first signal. One block later, turn left again onto Island Parkway.Pass by the first softball field complex you see on your left. Continue on to the two-story stone block building. Park in the building’s parking lot or in the dirt lot immediately past the building. You will see the field behind the building.
Carlmont High School Field
It is Carlmont High School, Ralston Avenue Belmont to Alameda de las Pulgas South two (2) stop signs and the field is on your right. It is the Carlmont High School Football Field.
Nesbitt Field
From El Camino: Turn onto Ralston Avenue. Go east on Ralston, towards 101. Left onto Hiller Street. (There is a signal and AM/PM station on your left). Turn left about 2 blocks later onto Biddulph. The school and field are right there.
From Highway 101: Take the Ralston Avenue exit. West on Ralston (toward the foothills). Right onto Hiller Street. (There is a signal and AM/PM station on your right). Turn left about 2 blocks later onto Biddulph. The school and field are right there.
From 280: It is easier and faster to take Highway 92 (if coming from the north) or Highway 85 (if coming from the south) over to Highway 101. Then, follow the “From Highway 101” directions above
Ralston Middle School Field
Ralston Middle school is on Ralston Ave between US101 and 280 between Belmont Canyon and Hallmark avenue’s.
From 101: Take the Ralson/Marineworld Parkway Exit. Go west on Ralston. Cross over El Camino. Cross Alameda and continue all the way up the hill. Ralston School is just after you level out at the top, on your left.
Burlingame Burlingame Soccer Center & Burlingame High School
BR_SC Soccer Center - Murray Fields
From 101 North: take Anza exit located south of San Francisco Airport, cross over lagoon and turn left into the Golf and Soccer complex just before the Doubletree Hotel.
From 101 South: Take the Broadway Burlingame exit. Bear left then right to cross over the overpass east. At the light (Old Bayshore) make a right. At the next light take a left onto Airport Blvd, and continue along the waterfront. Turn right on Anza Blvd., at the Doubletree Hotel, then right again into the Soccer/Golf complex.
BR_HS Burlingame High School
North on 101. Exit Peninsula Avenue (west). Take a right on California. Take a right on Oak Grove, just after Burlingame Avenue. Then take a right on Carolan Avenue. The school/field is on your right. 400 Carolan Avenue. (415) 342-8971.
Daly City (Area 2B)
Daly City Westmoor Field & Gellert Field
Westmoor High School
From interstate 280 either North or Southbound, exit highway 1 towards Pacifica,
As you head west up hill, stay in right lane, exit Skyline Blvd North.
Drive 3/4 mile to first light and take a right onto Westmoor. High school will be two blocks on right hand side.
Pass the high school and enter into driveway to parking lot on right.
DC_GF Gellert Field
To get to Daly City field from the south bay take 280 north
take the Hickey Bvd exit
follow to Gellert Feld
Is on the corner of Hickey & Gellert
Foster City
Foster City Sea Cloud Park & Port Royal
FC_S4 Sea Cloud Park
From 101. Take the East exit for Foster City (towards the bay) on Hillsdale Avenue. Take a right on Edgewater. Then a left onto Pitcairn. The park is toward the end of the road on your right.
FC_PR Port Royal Field
From 101. Take the East exit for Foster City (towards the bay) on Hillsdale Avenue.Take a right on Edgewater. PASS BY the first appearance of Port Royal Street. Continue on past a few stop signs. Turn right at second Port Royal street. The field is on your left about a block up. Do not park in the town home areas, less you vehicle be marked and towed
Catamaran Park Field
From El Camino or 101: Go East on Hillsdale Boulevard. Drive into Foster city past Metro Center. Turn right on Shell Avenue Go about ¾ mile (over the bridge) to the first stop sign. Turn right on Catamaran. The field is on the right.
Half Moon Bay
Half Moon Bay Cunha Field
HMB_C Cunha School
Kelly and Church Street, Half Moon Bay
280 to Highway 92. Go west on Highway 92. In town, turn left onto Main street.
Turn right on Kelly, towards the library.
High School
Hillsborough North Field and Nueva School field
HL_NF North Field/North School:
Take 101 North of 92. Take the Peninsula Avenue Exit. Turn right on El Camino. Turn left on Ralston 4-5 blocks later. Turn right on Eucalyptus. Go one block, turn left into school parking lot. 545 Eucalyptus Avenue:
Nueva School:
Highway 280 North to the second exit north of Highway 92, which is Hayne/Black Mountain Road. At the end of the off-ramp, go right to your first stop sign, Skyline Boulevard. Turn left and go up about a mile, past one stop sign. The school is on the right just after Rowan Tree Lane, 6565 Skyline Boulevard.
Another way to say the same thing…Route 92 west to 280 North. Exit on Black Mountain Road Exit, turn right at end of off ramp to stop sign. Turn left on Skyline. Nueva field will be at the school site entrance just after Rowan Tree Lane on the right side of Skyline. Parking is to the right as you enter.
Menlo Park
Menlo Park fields on the Region 109 Site
Burgess BU12 - 700 Alma, Menlo Park
Encinal GU6,GU10 - 195 Encinal Ave, Atherton
Hillview GU14, BU14, - 1100 Elder, Menlo Park
Kelly U10, U16, - 100 Terminal, Menlo Park
Las Lomitas not used in 2021 - 299 Alameda de las Pulgas, Atherton
Lyle GU12 - 1050 Middle, Menlo Park
Nealon GU7 and BU7, - 800 Middle, Menlo Park
Oak Knoll GU8 and BU8, - 1895 Oak Knoll Lane, Menlo Park
Upper Laurel, BU6, BU10, - 275 Elliott Drive, Menlo Park
Millbrae (Area 2B)
Millbrae ML_HS Mills High School
From 101 North or South
Exit at Millbrae Avenue and head West (away from the Bay). At the El Camino Real, turn left and go one block to Murchison Avenue. Turn Right onto
Murchison. Go to the second stop sign and turn right into the second driveway, which is the parking lot at the High School. Walk back to the first driveway and down the path to the soccer field below.
From 280 North or South.
Follow signs off 280 to Millbrae Avenue. Go down Millbrae Avenue, all the way to the traffic light at Magnolia. Make a right onto Magnolia and to the
Stop Sign at Magnolia and Murchison. Turn Right again and go to the second driveway on your right, which is the parking lot at the High School. Walk
back to the first driveway and down the path to the soccer field below.
Pacifica (Area 2B)
Pacifica Lacy Field, Ocean Lower Field & Nueva School
IBL Lacy Field at Ingrid B. Lacy Middle School: 1427 Palmetto Avenue.
Take Highway 1 exit off 280 toward Pacifica. Take Paloma Ave. exit. Make a right turn onto Paloma Ave. Right onto Palmetto and field is just down the street on the right hand side. If you are coming from Sharp Park Road - go to the end and make a right onto Francisco Blvd. Continue straight till you get to Paloma Ave. Make a left onto Paloma Ave. Right onto Palmetto. Field is on the right hand side.
PC_O Oceana Lower Field
Oceana High School
Take 280 North. Then, exit on Highway 1. Go south towards Pacifica. Take the Francisco Blvd turn-off. Turn left on Paloma Avenue. Go straight ahead. The field is on the left. Parking is by the tennis courts and on the street. 401 Paloma Avenue; (415) 355-4131
Nueva School:
Highway 280 North to the second exit north of Highway 92, which is Hayne/Black Mountain Road. At the end of the off-ramp, go right to your first stop sign, Skyline Boulevard. Turn left and go up about a mile, past one stop sign. The school is on the right just after Rowan Tree Lane, 6565 Skyline Boulevard.
Another way to say the same thing…Route 92 west to 280 North. Exit on Black Mountain Road Exit, turn right at end of off ramp to stop sign. Turn left on Skyline. Nueva field will be at the school site entrance just after Rowan Tree Lane on the right side of Skyline. Parking is to the right as you enter.
Redwood City
Redwood City Bechet/Griffin Fields & Hoover
RC_BG Bechet field at Red Morton Park Map to Bechet
From 101, take Whipple Ave WEST. Turn LEFT at El Camino Real, then RIGHT on Jefferson Ave. Turn LEFT on St. Francis, which goes straight into the park.
From 280, take the Farm Hill Ave exit EAST. Go all the way down the hill. Farm Hill will become Jefferson Ave. Turn RIGHT on St. Francis, which goes straight into the park.
RC_HA & RC_HB Hoover Middle School
Go South on 101. Then head West on Woodside Road. Take a left on Bay Road. Then a right on Charter. Continue one block. The next block is Spring. Fileds are at the corner of Spring and Charter.
San Bruno (Area 2B)
San Bruno Parkside Jr. High
SB_PS Parkside Junior High School
From 280, going North of 92. Take the San Bruno Avenue exit. Go under the freeway (to the left), and then back onto 280 going south. Take the first exit (Crystal Springs). Go under the freeway (to the left). Turn left at the first opportunity onto Cunningham. Turn right at the T onto Jenevein. Turn right a few blocks later onto Cedar. This will bring you to Niles Avenue. The field is in the school at 1801 Niles Avenue.
From 101, going North of 92. Exit San Bruno Exit. Go west on San Bruno Avenue, up to El Camino. Left onto El Camino. Right onto Jenevein. Continue on up the hill. Left onto Cedar. This will bring you to Niles Avenue. The field is in the school at 1801 Niles Avenue.
San Carlos
San Carlos Highlands & Stadium Field
SC_HI Highlands Field
This is the old San Carlos High School site. From the Alameda, turn up (west) on Melendy. Go up the hill. When you get to a little flat place about half-way up the mountain, you will see the tennis courts and a grassy park; the field will be on your right. Get there early for the best parking spots.
Stadium Field is the old San Carlos High School site.
From 101: Take the Whipple Avenue exit. Go west on Whipple to El Camino. Turn right on El Camino. Turn left on Brittan. Go up to Alameda. Turn right on Alameda. Turn left (west) Melendy. Go up the hill. When you get to a little flat place about half-way up, you will see the tennis courts, grassy park, and Highlands Field over on your right. (You cannot see the Stadium Field.) After you park in the Highlands Field lot (or, on the street), you have to walk through the lot, past the public restrooms, and up the berm to the Stadium Field.
From 280: Take Edgewood Road east, towards San Carlos. Go down the hill. Turn left onto Alameda (signal). Turn left (west) Melendy. Go up the hill. When you get to a little flat place about half-way up, you will see the tennis courts, grassy park, and field over on your right. (You cannot see the Stadium Field.) After you park in the Highlands Field lot (or, on the street), you have to walk through the lot, past the public restrooms, and up the berm to the Stadium Field.
Another Person sent this NOTE ALSO: The field in San Carlos is Stadium which is at Highlands but up in the back. It's the field behind the playground/restrooms so people aren't turned away by the "Field Closed"
signs on Highlands.
It is on Crestview Drive between Brittan Ave. and Melendy.
Directions from 280:
Take 280 to Edgewood Road... Exit Edgewood Road and turn east
Turn left at Crestview Drive (first intersection)
Go up the hill... Pass Brittan Ave. Crestview Park is on the
left (small parking lot between two houses).
Directions from South 101:
Take 101 to Holly St./Brittan Ave. Exit Brittan Ave
Take Brittan Ave to Crestview Drive... Turn right on Crestview
The park is on the left.
Directions from North 101:
Take 101 to Holly St... Go over the freeway and take 101 South
to the Brittan Ave. Exit (follow South 101 directions)
San Mateo
San Mateo Joinville & Fiesta Meadows
SM_JV Joinville Park
Heading North Highway 101, just North of 92 Exit (East) on Kehoe. Continue 1/2 mile turn left into parking lot between School and Joinville Swim Center. There is a school with a soccer field just before Joinville. Joinville is the field with the lights on tall poles).
Heading South on Highway 101 exit 3rd Ave (east). Make first right on to Norfolk St.proceed about 1 mi. Turn Left on Kehoe and proceed 1/2 mile to Joinville field (see above)
SM_FM Fiesta Meadows
From 101, go west on Highway 92. (From 280, go east on 92.)
Take the Delaware Street exit. Go back (south) under Highway 92. Turn left at the second stop sign (Bermuda). This takes you towards Highway 101. Go about ½ miles. The field is on your left.
SM_HS San Mateo High School
From 92, take 101 North, Exit on 3rd West. Take a right at Delaware. Continue to San Mateo High School which will be on your right.